Some of you are probably wondering why I, Michael Canham, am writing a blog. That is a good question. I just wanted to put my thought down on “paper” and I thought I would put it out there for people to read if they wanted to. Maybe my kids will want to read it, maybe my wife will, or my parents, former schoolmates, current and former friends, or complete strangers.
I think my inspiration really comes from the fact that I read a couple of blogs regularly. I read Whatever by John Scalzi, and Monster Hunter Nation by Larry Correia. They are both written by professional writes. So, they are much better written than anything I will ever write. They are both Sci-Fi / Fantasy writers. And yes, they are on complete opposite sides of the political spectrum. So, they are very different from each other. I like that. I like that I can read both and get different perspectives on the same thing sometimes. I mostly get different readings from each of them and they often both interests me. There are things I blow past on both blogs, but that is fine too. It is their writings, and that means I don’t have to read them if I don’t want to, but I can if I want to.
I think that is one reason why I wanted to start writing. Both men sometimes write things that are clearly for their own personal reasons but some of their stuff is also written to inform people of what is going on in the world. And I hope that some of what I will write will be the same. I think most will be personal on my end, but I also hope it will make some of you think about things as well.
So, that is why I am writing. To get my thoughts out there.
If you find you like either (or both) of the 2 other blogs and you had never heard of them before now, I am glad I was able to point you to them. If you love one and hate the other, that is fine with me as well.
But with all that said if people want to read and comment on my postings then that is fine, and if people don’t want to, then that is fine as well. I will do my best to read and reflect on what is said, and possibly comment on comments made.
So give me your thoughts on blogging in general or if you have specific things to say on blogging. If you read blogs, what do you read and why?
I love some sci-fi! Makes me think outside of the box. While I like reading, it has been a while that I could slow down long enough to finish a book. We did take in a good Sci-Fi movie at the end of the Year — Vesper. I highly recommend it!
Didn’t see the movie. I will add it to a list of things to check out.