I haven’t been really good about the “regular postings” about good things going on this year. I really wanted to do that, but I seem to have let it slip some. At least I am keeping up on the weekly main posts.
Well, today I wanted to write about a good dinner. I picked up food from my school today. We have a culinary department at our school that does food on Thursdays and Fridays. It is prepared by the students, and the finds raised are put directly back into the program. The food is always very nice and very good. I try to get over to it a few times a semester, if just for a dessert to bring home.
Today though I saw what was on the menu for the grab-and-go hot meal and it was the BBQ pulled pork with mac and cheese. We had it earlier this year and it was a big hit at home and so I ordered some again. I know the people there well enough that I can send an email beforehand and have them hold some for me, and thankfully they did again.
So for dinner tonight there is this wonderful meal.
I had to add some veggies, but not a problem. It is a super tasty meal.
It is also reasonably priced compared to “fast food” you can get from chain restaurants. And the quality and taste is so much better than anything else you can get out there.
It is called the Artichoke Grill. It is wonderful. I am so blessed to have this available to me on my campus.