There are a few other blogs out there that I read. They are mostly by authors of books that I like to read. One of those authors of Larry Correia. He writes the Monster Hunter International series, a Grimnoir Chronicles, the Saga of the Forgotten Warrior series and other books. Those happen to be the series of his I like.
The Saga of the Forgotten Warrior series is an epic fantasy series that he started back in 2015, and the sixth and final book in the series is coming out soon (February 2025). I have enjoyed the series. It has a lot going for it. It mainly focuses on a few primary charaters so it isn’t a HUGE world you have to figure out like other series. There is a lot that goes on in the books, but I have found it fairly easy to follow along.
NOTE – for series that are still coming out that can be a challenge for me since I sometime shave trouble remembering what all is going on. Also being a slower reader it means I sometimes forget what was going on earlier in a book.
These books keep my attention well and are good reads.
I am writing this blog though because of what is happening in the final book and what is already being commented on around the internet. Apparently Mr. Correia decided to dedicate this FINAL book in the series to none other than – George R.R. Martin. Yes the man that has written part of a very popular epic fantasy series you may be familiar with – A Song of Ice and Fire – better known by the TV show “Game of Thrones”. The dedication is simply – “To George R. R. Martin. See? It’s not that hard.”
I must say, “Awesome!” I didn’t like the first book in that series of Martins so I never read any of the other books in the series, and I never saw the show. But it is clear that since making all that money from the show that he has relaxed in his desire to finish the series out. There may be reasons he hasn’t finished it, and I am not privy to them, and that is fine. But seriously, if you start a series, and it becomes a hit, you should do your readers the courtesy of finishing the series.
So, this dedication is awesome to me. Yes, it is petty in some ways. Is there a chance Correia wrote it to get noticed and therefore sell more books? Maybe. He is a smart guy and so I wouldn’t put it past him. As a result of this dedication being found out about there are online reviews/comments going out on the internet about it. Mr. Correia comments on one on his blog. I am going to link to it here:
Please note that he doesn’t hold back with his language while commenting on one of the online “reviews” he is getting for this dedication. So, not for work or kids. It gets into more than just the dedication. But I found it interesting since I read his stuff. You may find it boring, petty, or just mean. Then again you may find you agree and you may decide to check out his books. If you do here is what I will say about each of the series I mention above:
Monster Hunter International – guns, gnomes, monsters, just flat out fun reading
Grimnoir – 1920s, 30s, 40s timeframe, magic, a little more thinking
Forgotten Warrior – Epic fantasy, good world building