Bogus Basin that is. I watched Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure last week with my kids (which thye both enjoyed), and so I couldn’t resist just starting this post off that way.
Moving on – I decided to buy myself a season pass for the local ski slope for NEXT season. This week is their big discounted tickets for the following year. It was quite a discount – 30% off the regular price. And they announced that they are going to limit the number of season passes this year even more than they have in the past. So, I decided to buy one.
No, I didn’t make it up this year to test it out. I just didn’t have the open time to spend a full day up there. Maybe I will still get a chance this season, but I am not planning on it. I have a lot going on the next few weekends and so that means the chances are slim.
But everyone tells me it is fun up there, and I am only an hour away and with a season pass I can justify a few hours here and a few hours there. So, maybe I will take my weekday that I am not teaching (who knows what those will be) and head up for a few hours.
I hope it will be most excellent!
Wild Stallions Rule!