Nothing new to report really.
I went to the doctor yesterday and the person that saw me basically said, you seem ok, but you should get some physical therapy for your shoulder. She thought that would help the pain. I said ok. So, I have my first appointment in a week and half.
I didn’t talk with the adjuster yesterday. We texted back and forth a couple times. He was waiting to hear what the doctor said, but then our schedules didn’t line up for us to actually talk. He did want to know what year the bike was made, and I think I found the right year. I said 2014 or 15, but wasn’t 100% sure on that. Then there was nothing.
I did have a rather disconcerting text exchange with a friend that also rides bicycles. He heard about the accident and reached out. He had been hit a few years ago by someone that also had Progressive as their insurance provider. He told me that even though the person took 100% responsibility for the crash that the adjuster her was dealing with basically said, “We aren’t giving you anything.” He said that eventually he got a little out of them for parts and clothing, but it was a huge pain in the #@$!.
I have already had a better experience with my person, Chad, and I hope that things will continue to go well over the next little bit. I hope that on Tuesday or Wednesday we are able to touch base, talk, and come to a resolution on the medical/inconvenience side of things as well as the damages to the bike side of things that I am happy with.
I will keep you all updated as things go on. I am feeling ok. I am looking forward to my first real bike ride here in a few minutes since last week. I haven’t had a bike to ride, but I do right now so I am going out.
Thanks for the prayers and reaching out to me that some of you have done.