My family supports a number of missionaries financially. We have done this or many years. We think it is an important role for people to have in the work of the Gospel message. For a lot of missionaries they only get paid based on the financial support that they raise. This involves a lot of…
Category: God
Where I will write about God, religion, etc.
Try Out a New Church – part 3 – Non-Denominational (by myself)
This last Sunday I went to another new church here in the area. I was on my own because the rest of my family was at a Girl Scout Winter camp in another city. “B” and I thought it would be a good idea for me to try out another church on our list. This…
Try Out a New Church – part 2 – Wealth and Health
Well we tried another church this past Sunday. Online it looked quite a bit more modern than the one we attended last week. There was hope that it meant it would be a bit more modern in its thinking/preaching/attitude than the last one as well. Well, it was certainly different in a ways. It was…
Trying Out a New Church – part 1 – What to Wear and What Bible to Read
I mentioned a few weeks ago about how the church our family was attending in Idaho went pretty political from the pulpit right before the election. That rubbed “B” and I poorly and so we decided during the Thanksgiving break to take start taking a look at other churches in the area. So, I spent…
Pronouns and Jesus
He/Him/Sir She/Her/Madam They/Them Here in the United States of America the concept of using someone’s “preferred” pronoun is something that can be a nonissue for some and a big issue for others. I don’t know what it is like in other countries, but I know that here, depending on where you live/work/school/be active, this has…
Politics and Church
I know another political blog, what is with that? It is the current atmosphere here in the USA that is getting me into the whole politics thing I think. So, sorry about this. I am sure some of you will agree with me on these things. I am sure some of you will disagree on…
Free Will and Multidimensional Space
This is one that has been floating in my mind for a long time. What is free will? Do we have free will, or is everything predetermined? Why in the world am I mentioning multidimensional space in the title? I have wondered about free will and its relationship to multidimensional space since high school (or…
Happy Easter!
I hope you are all having a blessed Easter. I hope you get time to spend with family and/or friends. And I hope you get to know God a little more today. Church for me was fine this morning. It was raining which is very unusual for us here in the Phoenix area for Easter….
My Girls Got Baptized Today
I was going to post today about my car, but I didn’t have enough oil to fill it up, and something more important happened today anyways. My girls got baptized at church this morning. For those of you that don’t know that means they made a public confession of THEIR faith (not their parent’s faith)…
What is grace? Well, the definition is ( 1 2 3 4 used as a title of address or reference for a duke, a duchess, or an archbishop 5 a short prayer at a meal asking a blessing or giving thanks 6 Graces plural : three sister goddesses in Greek mythology who are the givers…