This is one that has been floating in my mind for a long time. What is free will? Do we have free will, or is everything predetermined? Why in the world am I mentioning multidimensional space in the title? I have wondered about free will and its relationship to multidimensional space since high school (or…
Category: God
Where I will write about God, religion, etc.
Happy Easter!
I hope you are all having a blessed Easter. I hope you get time to spend with family and/or friends. And I hope you get to know God a little more today. Church for me was fine this morning. It was raining which is very unusual for us here in the Phoenix area for Easter….
My Girls Got Baptized Today
I was going to post today about my car, but I didn’t have enough oil to fill it up, and something more important happened today anyways. My girls got baptized at church this morning. For those of you that don’t know that means they made a public confession of THEIR faith (not their parent’s faith)…
What is grace? Well, the definition is ( 1 2 3 4 used as a title of address or reference for a duke, a duchess, or an archbishop 5 a short prayer at a meal asking a blessing or giving thanks 6 Graces plural : three sister goddesses in Greek mythology who are the givers…
Christmas and Easter “Christians”
What does it mean to be a follower of Christ? I have talked about my faith before here, and today I want to talk a little bit about attending church and how it relates, in my opinion, to being a Christ-follower. I have attended church my entire life. I always went to church on Sunday…
No Worries
What does it mean to not worry? I am, by nature, not a worrier. It drives my wife crazy sometimes. I have lived a very blessed life and I am sure that has played a very big role in my lack of worrying. I haven’t had anything truly awful ever happen to me. I haven’t…
Reading the Bible
I really enjoy reading the Bible. I have gained comfort reading it. I have learned about myself from reading it. I have learned about God from reading it. I started reading the Bible on my own in high school. I was raised in the church, and I did open and use the Bible before then,…
He is Risen!
I wasn’t sure if I was going to write an Easter related post or not, but I decided that I would. To be honest, not sure how deep this will go this year, but maybe next year (if I am still writing next year) I will have more to say. I think this may turn…
It’s Complicated at One Life Church
This is another quick post about something that I think people should take the time to watch or listen to. I happened to be on Facebook the other day and a posting by my former church, One Life Church (formerly Trinity Church), popped up. I don’t see these very often, but I thought I would…
Evidence of God in My Life
As a Christ follower I know God is in my life. I have that assurance in my heart and mind that can’t be fully described. There is a wholeness and completeness that I know is because of Christ in my life. That is something that I can’t show someone. It isn’t tangible. But there have…