Sorry I missed last month somehow. I waited until the 2nd to look and April’s data wasn’t there. So onto May. Here we see some common recurring bands: Switchfoot, The Insyderz, Relient K, Brave Saint Saturn, and Five Iron Frenzy. I do see that Petra made into the top 10 this last month. That was…
Only a Day Late – here at least
So, yesterday was my 21st wedding anniversary. I had a great day. I got to spend it with my family here in Chandler. Yes we were busy. Yes my kids slept in. But I got to see my wife throughout the day. It was full of “I Love You!” and “Happy Anniversary”. There was fun!…
Taking Pictures – Waterfalls
This posting is all about one of the things I have always enjoyed taking pictures of: waterfalls. Specifically I am talking about taking pictures with my large format cameras. Looking back through all my pictures over all the years I have been using a large format camera I have found that I quite often take…
Building a Wombat
Today I had some time to myself and I decided to build a nanoblock my family got for me last year when we were in Asia. Yes, it is a wombat! One of my favorite animals. The nanoblocks can be very hard to work with because they are so small, but I think they do…
What a Week – House Adulting
WOW! This week has been quite a week in the saga of buying a house in Idaho. Let’s break it down day by day: Monday: Got a call from April at the title company in Idaho asking about the Closing Disclosure (CD), and if I had seen it yet or not. I said, I wasn’t…
Free Will and Multidimensional Space
This is one that has been floating in my mind for a long time. What is free will? Do we have free will, or is everything predetermined? Why in the world am I mentioning multidimensional space in the title? I have wondered about free will and its relationship to multidimensional space since high school (or…
The Light of Things Hoped For – Brave Saint Saturn
Back in June I wrote a blog about what I would consider “Perfect Albums”. I had a list of 9 at that moment. I said I would write about them, and I didn’t. So, now I am going to start doing that when I have a chance (Like I have all the time in the…
Getting Things Ready to Move
So, the company that Beverly has been hired by is moving our house for us. This is so weird to me, but I understand that it is not abnormal in the corporate world. Anyways, we have to do nothing. We have been told that if we box things up they will open said boxes and…
A Final Class Party
The last couple years I have been having an end of year party with my classes at school. We hang out, eat food and play games. Yesterday was my last of these at SCC. I made chocolate chip cookies, which went over pretty well. People brought donuts, chips, brownies, bagels, soda and pizza. I ate…
Ebook Reading
I like to read – to a point. I have written about this before, and about the books I like to read. When it comes to reading, recently I have been reading a lot more ebooks than paper books. There are certainly advantages to reading ebooks but there are also some disadvantages as well. Also,…