Back in December I asked my readers to ask me a question they would like me to answer. I had one taker – thanks brother. So, here is the question and here is my answer: “If you were a hotdog, and you were starving, would you eat yourself?” This is a question my brother has…
Today’s Little Pluses
Lots going on. It is so busy right now. Last week I dropped my daughter’s bicycle helmet a foot or so. Didn’t think anything of it. It has fallen before. But today getting ready to ride to school and low and behold the helmet had broken in the rear on the support mechanism. So, no…
Thrive and Shine
Last night my youngest daughter was in her school musical. She had a small part, but she rocked it! The whole family went: my oldest kids, my wife, my parents, and my in-laws. I enjoyed the show. The music teacher at the school and her friend write and compose one every year. My oldest did…
What is the Purpose of College?
I have been in the college system for a long time. I have 21 years of teaching in the college system and 6 years of college prior to that. So, I would like to think that I have some experiences in the system of what college is about. And that is the question I am…
Solar Eclipse 2024
Today was the solar eclipse. And while my family did not travel for the eclipse to get to somewhere with total coverage it was still a fun time for us. For another time the schools were not letting the kids do anything for the solar eclipse (stupid!). So, we decided to pull the girls for…
March Top Listens
Another month has gone by, and look at what I am listening to (at least on this application) Brent Spiner for the win! This is off the very first CD I ever bought. I bought it before I owned a CD player. My dad’s friend, and my future physics teacher, Curt C. had to record…
Toilet Paper Preferences
Yes, I am going to write about toilet paper. I don’t think of myself as someone that is a toilet paper diva. It is true that I don’t like the TP at my school where I work. But honestly who really likes that industrial TP? I have used TP made from recycled paper before and…
Happy Easter!
I hope you are all having a blessed Easter. I hope you get time to spend with family and/or friends. And I hope you get to know God a little more today. Church for me was fine this morning. It was raining which is very unusual for us here in the Phoenix area for Easter….
Getting Past the Haters and the Voices
I love music. If you read this you know that. I recently watched a youtube video and it inspired me to write something about the haters in the world. Lindsey Stirling is a violinist that I really enjoy listening to. She has been around for a while now, and if you don’t know who she…