So, the ford is back running. It was simply the battery. That car has the worst design for getting the battery in and out, and I think that took me longer than just about anything else in the process. But needless to say I am glad it is back together. The battery, from Costco, only…
Car – oh why do you hate me
Well, I am at school and my wife texts me this morning telling me the ford won’t start. GRUMBLE! She says there was power but nothing when the key was turned. So, it is most likely a battery. I swear I just replaced that battery a couple years ago or less. I don’t want to…
More fixes – car work
Hello again. So, this time around on the “what did I have to fix around the house” fun I got to fix part of our Ford Fusion. On Sunday the low tire pressure light came on when we were on our way to church. I visually checked the tires at church I nothing looked too…
VW Audio Upgrade
I recently decided to put an amplifier in my VW bug. What started it was that I was having issues with my head unit (the radio in the car) cutting in and out while driving at random times. The music would keep playing, but nothing would come out of the speakers. It was very odd….
Tax situations
Right now I am sitting on hold with the IRS. No there is nothing wrong with my family. I am trying to deal with something else. I am the treasurer of a small 501c3 called the Arizona section of the American Association of Physics Teachers. We are a group that meets a couple times a…
Thank you!
I am thankful for so many things in my life. I am thankful for so many things on a day-to-day basis. I am thankful when someone gives me a gift, hug, or kind words. I am thankful for so many people in my life, they mean so much to me. But I am very bad…
So, what just happened with my ear
I had something happen this week that was a bit odd/discomforting/confusing/slightly worrisome – I lost most of the hearing in my left ear for a couple days. On Monday I had just come home from taking one of my girls to dance, and within a few minutes I had lost about 70-80% of the hearing…
More Repairs
Seriously what is going on. In the last couple weeks things have been busy. Ok, things are always busy right now, but busier than normal because I have had more repairs to do. Remember that lawn mower I talked about a little bit ago? Well, I thought I had it fixed, but nope. It lasted…
A Trip Conclusion.
The trip was great overall. I had fun. The family had fun! It was a trip of a lifetime, and I am super blessed to have been able to do it with the people I love. Thank you, God! There were good days and bad days. There were fun times and times when we were…
The Joy of Puzzles
I enjoy doing puzzles. I always have. I can remember doing puzzles as a kid at home and up at my grandparent’s cabin. I have fond memories of puzzles. I know puzzles aren’t for everyone. Some people don’t like the time they take to complete them. Some people don’t like being challenged by them. Some…