Throwing this one in for fun. Yesterday at Scottsdale Community College (SCC) I got to help out (again) with their Math-Science Field Day. This event brings in some of the brightest highschoolers from around the city to compete in a building project and math and science quiz competition. It helps promote SCC to the high…
My Blogging (Writing) Inspiration
Some of you are probably wondering why I, Michael Canham, am writing a blog. That is a good question. I just wanted to put my thought down on “paper” and I thought I would put it out there for people to read if they wanted to. Maybe my kids will want to read it, maybe…
Hello World! Hello New Year!
I wanted to do something new this year, and I thought blogging might be something to try out. I am am going to use this site to talk about things on my mind. You can decide what to do with it. You can comment on it, you can ignore it, you can love it, you…